Emergency Blankets: What Are They And How Do They Work?

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Last Updated on October 4, 2020 by

Emergency blankets are some of the coolest inventions of all time. If you’ve never had a chance to see how they work, this is a good post for you to find out. Below we will look at how emergency blankets work and how they could potentially save your life.

Emergency blankets work by providing a thin layer of mylar sheet material that can trap up to 90% of your body heat that would typically be lost into the atmosphere around us. Your own body heat is simply being trapped by this special blanket to keep you warm enough in a survival situation.

There are lots of survival scenarios that can prove to be life-threatening. If you find yourself in such situation, there are some dangers that you are vulnerable to like chilly temperatures, snow, rain and wind.

You need to find a way of surviving under any of such conditions which is primarily why emergency blankets have been made. Find out below, why they can prove to be a major life-saver during your various outdoor activities.

How Do Emergency Blankets Work?

how do emergency thermal blankets work

Just as the name sounds, emergency blankets are used during situations where you have to survive. The major aim is to ensure that your body temperature is properly regulated in the most effective manner.

They can also be called weather blanket, thermal, mylar, space blanket or first aid blanket. One of the reasons for such regulation of heat is the presence of thin plastic sheeting which it has been made with.

This blanket has become very popular due to its lightweight nature. In other words, they don’t take space and can be easily carried around in a bug out bag, for example. With this blanket, it one thing is always certain, it will ensure you have some sort of warmth during a time of emergency.

Emergency blankets have been built to work in a way that is simple to understand. It has been discovered that the human body is constantly losing heat. While this is good sometimes, there are periods that such heat is needed for your body to function well especially during the winter season. Some of the ways through which this process happens are radiation, conduction and convection.

Of course, excessive heat exhaustion can lead to health complications like muscle cramps, headaches, disorientation, fatigue, increased heart rate and nausea. An emergency blanket helps to prevent the loss of heat.

It is simple to make use of. All you have to do is have the blanket wrapped around your skin since it can function as a wind breaker. Through this, it will prevent the cold wind or breeze from reducing the amount of heat in your body.

Emergency Blanket Uses

emergency blanket uses

There are so many different cool ways you can use emergency blankets so below I’ve listed some of the more common ways that they’re being used for survival.

Temperature Regultation

This is probably the most important function of an emergency blanket amongst others. When you are outdoors, there is always the danger of being prone to snow, rain, wind and others.

These reduce the amount of heat your body is generating. In this case, such blanket will help to ensure your body remains warm.

Another benefit in this regards is that it can help to get the inner space of a shelter insulated. This can bring about more heat.

Shelter Construction

Do you know that it is possible to build a tent-like structure using an emergency blanket? This is very simple to do especially once you know how to go about the process.

You only need accessories like duct tape, paracord and safety pins. It is a short term fix when you are having shelter challenges during one of those your favorite outdoor activities.

Means Of Water Transportation

Emergency blanket is an important item you need to carry while travelling or camping. One of the reasons for this is that apart from preventing heat radiation from your body, they can also be very effective in transportation of water. This is because it is impermeable meaning there won’t be any problem of leakage.

Signal Device

This is another important use of an emergency blanket. If you are stranded somewhere, they can be used to send signals. This includes positioning it in a way that you will be easily noticed.

It is important to note that the uses of emergency blanket are almost endless. Other uses include, trail marking, growing of food through reflection of light, ensuring solar cookers perform effectively, playing the role of flotation device and compression bandage. 

Emergency Blankets Vs. A Bivy Sack: What’s The Difference?

Most people are of the opinion that bivy sack and emergency blanket are the same. They believe both are similar in terms of functionalities.

It should be noted that while both have been built to help you survive during times of emergency, they are slightly different.

For instance, a bivy sack is meant to help ensure that you are protected from the cold of rain and wind. It doesn’t regulate the body temperature like an emergency blanket.

With a bivy sack, your body can radiate heat which means you are still prone to some abnormal conditions when such happens excessively. However, an emergency blanket is more effective.

This is because it will not only protect your body against cold, snow and rain but can also ensure heat radiation is prevented. In fact, emergency blankets can help retain around 90% of heat that is supposed to leave your body.

Based on this explanation, it can be said that the features and functionalities of an emergency blanket are more advanced than those of a bivy sack.

Pros and Cons of Emergency Survival Blankets

I wanted to make sure to discuss some of the pros and cons of an emergency survival blanket so that you fully understand how these thermal blankets work. Let’s start with the pros.

Survival Blanket Pros

  • It is very compact, therefore, can be carried easily in a bug out bag. Some can only weigh up to 2ounces.
  • Even though they are small and lightweight, they can save you if you find yourself in freezing temperatures.
  • There are tons of different uses for these thermal blankets and many of them are life-saving.

Survival Blanket Cons

While emergency blankets have been discovered to be very perfect, there are a few flaws that have been associated with them.

  • Even though they trap heat, they still aren’t insulated so they won’t be able to hold or retain the heat for very long.
  • They can become brittle over time because they are sensitive to light and heat, so make sure you keep them in a cool, dark place.
  • Because they aren’t very porous, they won’t be able to wick moisture away from the body.

Why You Should Have An Emergency Blanket

emergency thermal blanket uses

An emergency blanket is a must-have especially when you are going camping, prepping, hiking, or other outdoor activities. This is because it gives you a chance to survive when something goes wrong.

Nothing is ever guaranteed of course when it comes to surviving in harsh environments, but you have a much better chance if you’ve got some the right gear to help you out during such times. One of the most important places you can keep these mylar survival blankets if in your car, and in your bug out bag.

If you are planning to purchase an emergency blanket, it doesn’t really matter where you get it from. There are several different brands out there to choose from, but I happened to purchase my Anmeilu emergency survival blanket on Amazon (I’m a big fan of Amazon).

Quick Tip: Survival Frog has a FREE emergency survival blanket you can get to try out before you spend the money some of the other ones!

Related Questions and Answers About Mylar Emergency Blankets

how do mylar emergency blankets work?
Coghlans Emergency Survival Blanket

Are Emergency Blankets Flammable?

Emergency blankets are definitely flammable. Please note that when they are used and stored as expected, there is no danger of fire incident occurring.

They are just like other organic materials which will burn after reaching a temperature of around 575-1,110°F (300-600°C).

How Long Do Survival Blankets Last?

They are expected to last between 1 and 2 years. How these blankets are used can also determine whether they will last as expected or not. Some factors to consider in its lifespan are UV exposure, oxidation, and moisture.

Are Emergency Blankets Reusable

Emergency blankets are reusable to a certain point.  They’ve been manufactured to be tough, and tear resistant, but you’ll run into some problems after while depending how your use it. This is why you want to ensure to purchase one that’s high quality since there are some that can tear more easily. Using duct tape to repair any tear will prove helpful though.

Can Mylar Keep Things Cold?

Mylar blankets can’t keep things cold. Mylar is an important material of survival blankets because of its heat-resistant nature, not for keeping things cold. This is why emergency blankets are very perfect when it comes to protecting your body against, snow, rain and cold.

Final Thoughts

Based on the above, it is obvious that there is no better option than survival blanket when it comes to regulating your body temperature to remain 100% fit in times of emergency. It is an innovation that is expected to get better as the years are going by. Giving it a try today won’t be a bad idea.

If there’s anything you would like to add to this post or any insight you have on this subject, please feel free to comment below.